Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 2238
GEORG STICKER (1860-1960) Dengue und andere endemische Küstenfieber. Alfred Hölder 1914 [4] 76 pp., graph. 24 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 2235
Sticker edited the second edition of Leichtenstern's Influenza (see No. 2073) but did not include the section that dealt with dengue fever (see No. 2072). Here Sticker has written a book on dengue fever based on his own clinical experience with this tropical disease. He has also included an interesting section on coastal fevers common to the shores of tropical countries. Among the fevers he discusses are those caused by sand fleas, pseudodengue fever, and non-specific fevers caused by climatic conditions. The treatise appears here as Volume IV, Part I of Nothnagel's Spezielle Pathologie und Therapie.
See Related Record(s): 2073 2072 2236 2237
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