Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1554
JOHN DAVIES (1796-1872) Selections in pathology and surgery. Printed by Adam Waldie 1839 119 [1] pp. 21.7 cm.
Davies studied medicine at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London, was surgeon to the General Infirmary at Hertford and editor of the London medical and surgical journal. The first part of this work is devoted to a series of articles on inflammation that the author had published in the Medical repository and London medical and surgical journal in 1828. In the Preface Davies commented that his work was "founded upon a long course of experiments, repeated so frequently as to leave little doubt as to their correctness" (p. [5]). The objective of the second part of the work was to acquaint the medical profession with the curative properties of topically administered iodine. Davies remarked that "with the exception of a small volume, published some years ago, by Mr. Buchanan, he is not aware that the mode here recommended for its application has been pointed out to the public" (Preface, p. [5]). Davies had used iodine extensively in his practice for some eleven years and recounts its external application in erysipelas, gout, carbuncle, whitlow, chilblains, ulcers, lacerations and contusions, burns and scalds, as well as inflammation and enlargement of the joints.
See Related Record(s): 1540 1644
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