Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 381.6
JACQUES GUILLEMEAU (1550?-1613) Child-birth, or the happy delivery of vvomen : vvherein is set downe the government of women : in the time of their breeding childe : of their travaile, both naturall and contrary to nature: and of their lying in : together with the diseases, which happen to vvomen in those times, and the meanes to helpe them. With a treatise for the nursing of children, to which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children : with the cure of them, and also of the small pox Printed by Anne Griffin, for Ioyce Norton, and Richard Whitaker 1635 1st English 16 unnumbered pages, 247 pages, 15 unnumbered pages, 118 pages 19 cm
For more information on this author or work, see number: 381.5
This book is the origin of the so-called Mauriceau maneuver, usually credited to Mauriceau. Guillemeau was not only responsible for this technique for delivery of the aftercoming head so important before the forceps and Cesarean section, but he was also the first to employ the podalic version in placenta praevia. This is a rare work in English.
See Related Record(s): 381.5 402.5
Cited references: Cushing G451; NLM 16th 5136; Wellcome I 3003
John Martin M.D. Endowment
Print record