Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 169.52
JéRôME DE MONTEUX (ca. 1495-1560) Compendiolum curatricis scientiae longè vtilissimum / autore D. Hieronimo Montuo ... ; adiecta insuper est eiusdem Sylloge de purgationibus. Apud Ioan. Tornaesium et Gul. Gazeium 1556 First Edition. 254 [r.224], [5], [3 blank]p. 17 cm.
[Alternate Title: Sylloge de purgationibus.] First edition of The Nurses’ Little Helper. This rare manual on patient care gives information on easing the suffering of the sick by responding to their basic symptoms.
See Related Record(s): 169.5 169.51
Cited references: NLM 16th C #3284
John Martin M.D. Endowment
Print record