Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 978
SAMUEL AUGUSTE ANDRé DAVID TISSOT (1728-1797) An essay on bilious fevers; or, The history of a bilious epidemic fever at Lausanne, in the Year MDCCLV. Printed for D. Wilson and T. Durham 1760 xii, 228 pp. 19.6 cm.
Tissot, a Swiss physician, studied medicine in Geneva and Montpellier and settled in Lausanne, where his time was divided among practice, writing, and teaching. His medical works were numerous and include treatises on smallpox and inoculation, epilepsy, nervous diseases, migraine, popular medicine, onanism, and the present work on bilious fevers. Many of his works became very popular, were translated into English and the major European languages, and went through many editions. In this work on bilious fevers he recounts the history of an epidemic at Lausanne in 1755, including the etiology, symptoms, treatment, and prognosis of the fever.
Print record