Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 95
HENRI DE MONDEVILLE (ca. 1260-ca. 1320) Die Anatomie. Georg Reimer 1889 79 pp. 20.9 cm.
Mondeville was born in Normandy and studied medicine at Paris and Montpellier before going to Bologna where he studied under Theodoric (1205-1295). At that time surgery was highly advanced in Italy and surgeons enjoyed a much higher status than those in France where they were considered to be in society's lower strata. Mondeville returned home with many new ideas and practices which he implemented in his practice and teaching. Soon after his return, he was appointed surgeon to Philip the Fair and later to his successor, Louis X. In addition, he taught at Montpellier as well as Paris and had a large practice. Mondeville stressed anatomic knowledge in his teaching because he believed it was an important foundation for surgical skill. When he first taught at Montpellier in 1303, he used anatomical charts that he probably brought from Bologna. It is believed that they were based on dissections performed there even before Mondino (see No. 97 ff.) and so largely follow Galen's anatomy. Although Mondeville's Anathomia was circulated in many manuscript copies, it did not appear in print until the present work was published. Julius Leopold Pagel (1851-1912), physician and noted medical historian, has here reproduced the Latin text of Mondeville's work from a manuscript at the Konigliche Bibliothek in Berlin.
See Related Record(s): 97
Cited references: Cushing M450; Garrison-Morton 362; Waller 6622
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record