Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 91
-1220 Codex Granatensis. Universidad de Granada] 1973-1974 Edición facsimil del Codice-67 de la Biblioteca universitaria de Granada. Cuidó de la edición L. García Ballester. Vol. I: 116 ll.; Vol. II: 330 pp., col. illus. 44.9 cm.
This is a facsimile edition of an early fifteenth century illustrated codex which was brought to Spain from Austria during the eighteenth century. The codex comprises nineteen manuscripts and includes Books 4 through 12 of De natura rerum, the Tacuinum sanitatis, and the anonymous treatise, De avibus nobilibus. Research at the University of Granada has shown that the author of De natura rerum was Thomas de Cantimpré (ca. 1201-ca. 1276) and not Albertus Magnus to whom the work has been ascribed. The Tacuinum sanitatis is a set of tables of general medical and dietetic information, originally written in the eleventh century by Ibn Butlan (see No. 69). De avibus nobilibus, written in the form of a letter near the end of the twelfth century, deals with falcons, their diseases, and the remedies for treating them. The second volume of the set contains an account of the studies made on the codex as well as a transcription of the Latin text and translations into Spanish and English.
See Related Record(s): 69
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record