Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 90
BRUNO DA LONGOBURGO (ca. 1200-1286) La cyrogia. Per Simone de Luere 1510] 40 ll. 20.8 cm.
Since Bruno was born in Longoburgo in Calabria, it is thought that he probably studied at Salerno. He later practiced and taught at Padua where he gained a wide reputation as a surgeon. The present work is the first Italian translation of his Chirurgia magna which he completed in 1252. In it he mentions not only Greek authorities but such Arabian medical authorities as Avicenna, Abulcasis, and Haly Abbas. Bruno discusses a wide variety of surgical matters in this work including hernia, erysipelas, fractures, ear diseases, cancers, dislocations, and nerve wounds. In his view, goiters are best cured by surgical removal and he suggests using ants to suture intestinal wounds.
Cited references: Durling 738
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record