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Heirs of Hippocrates

The Development of Medicine in a Catalogue of Historic Books

Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 852

CLAUDE NICOLAS LECAT (1700-1768) Traité de l'existance [sic], de la nature et des propriétes du fluide des nerfs, et principalement de son action dans le mouvement musculaire . . . suivi des dissertations sur la sensibilité des meninges, des tendons, &c., l'insensibilité du cer [n. publ.] 1765 [8] 331 [1] pp., 6 fold. plates. 19.3 cm.

For more information on this author or work, see number: 851

Among Le Cat's many works were these essays on the physiology of nerves, the first of which earned him a prize from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin in 1753. The second essay discussed the sensibility of the meninges, the insensibility of the brain, the structure of the nerves, and a criticism of Haller's doctrine of irritability. The six folding copperplates depict a male and female "ourang-outang," infantile spina bifida, and aspects of the muscle and nerve structure.

Cited references: Wellcome III, p. 468

Gift of John Martin, M.D.

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