Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 817
GAETANO TACCONI (1689-1782) De nonnulis cranii ossiumque fracturis eorumque conjunctione, itemque de osteocolla, de raris herniis quibusdam, de partu monstroso, naevis & maculis quae in foetibus imprimuntur dissertationes, quibus accedit alterius monstri historia a . . . Matthae Typis Ferdinandi Pisarri 1751 70 pp., 5 plates (4 fold.). 24.7 cm.
Tacconi, surgeon at the hospital of Santa Maria della Morte, taught surgery at the University of Bologna and, after the death of Valsalva, took over the chair of anatomy there. This little-known treatise contains dissertations on cerebral lesions, fractures, hernias, and monsters. The added treatise on teratological lesions is by Matteo Bazzani (1674-1749), a physician and botanist of Bologna.
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record