Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 598.1
JOHANN DANIEL MAJOR (1634-1693) D. Joh. Danielis Majoris, Vratislaviensis, Historia anatomes Kiloniensis primae : sub finem annexus est catalogus scriptorum successivè inposterum ab autore edendorum. Literis Joachimi Reumanni 1666 1st ed. 26 p. : 3 ill. (woodcuts) 31 cm. (fol.)
FIRST EDITION Johann Daniel Major (1634-1693), best known for his pioneer work in intravenous injections of drugs into the human body, had received his doctoral degree at Padua, after which he practiced medicine at Wittenberg and Hamburg. When the University of Kiel was founded in 1665, Major became the first occupant of the chair of medicine. His first publication in that position was an expose of his lectures on anatomy, the subject of which was the autopsy of a 22 year old man. Major described in detail the anatomical theater, the equipment, and the anatomical demonstrations (which lasted from January 31 to February 5), followed by extensive discussions of the different organs. The illustrations include a fine representation of the kidney, ureters, and vascular attachments. At the end Major gives a list of his publications (32 titles), all of which are now very rare.
See Related Record(s): 598
Cited references: 6161 Walleriana; NLM 16th C. #7294
John Martin M.D. Endowment
Print record