Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 536
JOANNES VAN HORNE (1621-1670) Mikrokosmos [Greek transliterated]; seu, Brevis manuductio ad historiam corporis humani. Apud Jacobum Chouët 1662 2nd ed. [viii] 142 [16] pp. 13.2 cm.
Van Horne, a Dutch physician and anatomist, was professor of anatomy at Leiden and numbered among his pupils Jan Swammerdam, Frederik Ruysch, and Nicolaus Steno. This small anatomy, first published in 1660, became very popular, despite its lack of illustrations, and was translated into Dutch, German, and French.
See Related Record(s): 608
Cited references: Cushing H456; Waller 4910; Wellcome III, p. 301 (1665 ed.)
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record