Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 427
WILLIAM HARVEY (1578-1657) De motu cordis, & sanguinis in animalibus, anatomica exercitatio, cui postrema hac editione accesserunt clarissimi viri Johannis Walaei. . . . Epistolae duae, quibus Harveii doctrina roboratur. Apud Johannem van Kerckhem 1736 [14] 170 pp., 2 plates (on double leaf). 19.9 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 416
This edition, printed by Johann van Kerckhem, contains a preface by Bernard Siegfried Albinus, the famous eighteenth-century anatomist (see No. 829 ff.). Keynes states that "this form of van Kerckhem's edition is rare, the sheets of the greater part of the issue having been published in 1737 as Part I of the Opera" (Keynes 14).
See Related Record(s): 829
Cited references: Cushing H151; Keynes 14; Russell 363; Waller 4098
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record