Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 426
WILLIAM HARVEY (1578-1657) De motu cordis, & sanguinis in animalibus, anatomica exercitatio, cui postrema hac editione accesserunt clarissimi viri Johannis Walaei. . . . Epistolae duae, quibus Harveii doctrina roboratur. Typis Longhi 1697 [22] 178 [2] pp., illus. 13.7 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 416
The illustrations in this uncommon edition are crudely copied woodcuts of the usual valves in the veins and appear on either side of the final leaf. Also included are two letters of Walaeus, anatomist of Leiden, in corroboration of Harvey's thesis. These letters had first appeared in the Padua edition of 1643 but had been included in only two other editions between then and this Bologna edition.
Cited references: Keynes 13; Russell 362; Waller 4097; Wellcome III, p. 219
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record