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Heirs of Hippocrates

The Development of Medicine in a Catalogue of Historic Books

Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 371

GIOVANNI BATTISTA DELLA PORTA (1535?-1615) Della fisonomia dell'huomo. Per Pietro Paolo Tozzi 1615 [8] 219 [4] ll., illus. 21.7 cm.

For more information on this author or work, see number: 370

Porta soon translated his De humana physiognomonia libri IIII (see No. 370) into Italian and added two additional sections for a total of six. The work contains portraits of Porta, Cardinal d'Este, to whom the book is dedicated, and nearly 150 other woodcuts of animals and humans. The work also contains a complementary work by Giovanni Ingegneri (fl. 1543), Bishop of Capo d'Istria, entitled, Fisionomia naturale. This work was once in the collection of Robert Bennett Bean.

Cited references: Wellcome 5201 (Naples ed., 1610)

Gift of William B. Bean, M.D

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