Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 362
HENRI ESTIENNE (1531-1598) Medicae artis principes, post Hippocratem & Galenum. Excudebat Henricus Stephanus 1567 Pt. I: [8] pp., 346 columns [8] pp.; Pt. II: [5] pp., 347-692 (misnumbered 700) columns, 701-[743] (misnumbered 751) columns, 752-760 (misnumbered 768) columns; Pt. III: 696 (misnumbered 697) columns; Pt. IV: [4] pp., 866, 856 (misnumbered 846) colum 34.9 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 361
Estienne brought together in this huge volume of nearly two thousand pages many of the Greek, Roman, and medieval medical writers (exclusive of Hippocrates and Galen), from Celsus in the first century to Nicolaus Myrepsus in the thirteenth century. Included are such writers as Scribonius Largus, Rufus of Ephesus, Alexander Trallianus, Paulus Aegineta, Oribasius (with a number of woodcut illustrations), Theophilus, and others. This is one of the earliest compilations of medical works and was much used in its day.
Cited references: Cushing M257; Durling 3049; Garrison-Morton 55; Waller 6417; Wellcome 4177
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record