Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 339
GABRIEL FALLOPIUS (1523-1562) Tractatus de compositione medicamentorum dilucidissimus . . . De cauteriis. Apud Paulum & Antonium Meietos 1570 [4] 72 (misnumbered 67) [12] ll. 20.6 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 331
This scarce and infrequently seen book contains two works by Fallopius. The first deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of formulating various therapeutic remedies. Fallopius was seriously interested in therapeutics and wrote at least one other very popular work on the composition and preparation of medicines and their use. In this book, he refers to the works of many older authorities and discusses their remedies and, in some instances, criticizes and refutes their findings and recommendations. Among the authorities included are: Galen (see No. 36 ff.); Jacobus Alkindus (al-Kindi) (see No. 69), Averroës (1126-1198); Mesuë the Younger (see No. 85), and Nicolaus Myrepsus (fl. 1250). The second work is Fallopius' tract on cautery in which he discusses its uses and concentrates on the various salves and caustics that may be employed with the procedure. Instructions are also given for compounding many of the remedies.
See Related Record(s): 36 69 85
Cited references: Cushing F21; Durling 1453; Wellcome 2159
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record