Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 335
GABRIEL FALLOPIUS (1523-1562) De morbo Galllico [sic]. . . . Additus etiam est in calce De morbo Gallico tractatus, Antonii Fracanciani. Apud Lucam Bertellum & socios 1564 [4] 64, 16 [2] ll. 18.7 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 331
This slightly variant issue of No. 334 differs from it only in a resetting of the date on the title page. Interestingly, the work by Fallopius has its own colophon dated 1564 and the work by Fracanzano has its own title page dated 1563, although the colophon is dated 1564. Even in resetting the date on the title page, the printer failed to drop the extraneous l from Galllico.
See Related Record(s): 334
Cited references: Fallopius: Durling 1433. Fracanzano: Durling 1628
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record