Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 317.1
GIROLAMO GABUCCINI (fl. 1542-1569) De lumbricis aluum occupantibus, ac de ratione curandi eos, qui ab illis infestantur, commentarius : index omnium capitum rerumq́; hoc libro memorabilium, cum Græcarum vocu interpretatione accuratissima / Hieronymo Gabucino Fanensi autore G. Griffio 1547 [iix], 56, [16] leaves 17 cm.
Girolamo Gabuccini, an Italian physician and Latin poet from Fano in the Marche region of Italy, is known as the author of the first monograph on parasitic worms which attracted considerable attention and was reprinted several times. Gabuccini be¬lieved that the lesser heat in the intestine leads to tapeworm formation. He also described the liver fluke of sheep and goats. “De lumbricis aluum occupantibus” , the first edition and first monograph in parasitology was important in zoology, botany, medicine and pathology. The work surveys classical, medieval and contemporary contributions and described the causes, symptoms and cures of maladies due to parasitic infestation.
Cited references: Waller 3322; Durling 1741; Wellcome 2483 (1549 ed.)
John Martin M.D. Endowment
Print record