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Heirs of Hippocrates

The Development of Medicine in a Catalogue of Historic Books

Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 315

PETRUS MAYNARDUS (fl. 1518-1526) De preservatione hominu[m] a pestiphero morbo; et De quiditate pestis [et] de causis eius [et] signis libellus. n. publ. [ca. 1523] [16] pp. 21 cm.

In addition to this work on the plague, Maynardus, professor of surgery and theoretical and practical medicine at Padua, also wrote two works on syphilis in which he discussed its causes, symptoms, and therapy. In this early work on the plague, Maynardus recognizes the importance of preventive and hygienic measures such as bathing and general cleanliness. He also recommends a cure for the disease, basing his methodology largely on his own experience and practice.

Cited references: Durling 3040; Wellcome 4169 (incomplete)

Gift of John Martin, M.D.

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