Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 29
DIOSCORIDES PEDANIUS, OF ANAZARBOS (fl. ca. 50 A.D.) [De materia medica]. Libri octo Graece et Latine. Castigationes in eosdem libros. Apud Petrum Haultinum 1549 [20] 392 ll. 16.8 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 28
This present edition, one of many published after its first printing in 1478, is remarkably detailed and accurate and contains parallel Greek and Latin texts. The editor, Jacques Goupyl (ca. 1525-1564), is said to have produced, in this edition, the best of this work to date. The Castigationes which conclude the work are by Goupyl.
Cited references: Durling 1135; Wellcome 1779
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record