Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 2306
GASTON LOUIS LABAT (1877-1934) Regional anesthesia. W. B. Saunders 1924 xv, 496 pp., 315 illus. 24.6 cm.
A native of France, Labat had served on the medical faculties at Montpellier and Paris before coming to the United States to serve as lecturer on regional anesthesia at the University of Minnesota. He was lecturer on regional anesthesia at the New York University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College when he wrote the present work. An expert on this topic, Labat was a pioneer in demonstrating local, regional, and spinal anesthesia for most operations. Progress in the development of regional anesthesia was slow because the anesthetist needed to have an accurate knowledge of anatomy and to be highly skilled in his knowledge and administration of the anesthetic. It was Labat's purpose in this book "to afford the opportunity of acquiring rapidly a practical knowledge of "regional anesthesia" and to teach the reader how to use the method successfully" (Introduction, p. v). The work was first published in 1922 and this is the second reprinting.
Cited references: Garrison-Morton 5704 (1st printing, 1922)
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