Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 2216
EDGAR MARCH CROOKSHANK (1858-1928) History and pathology of vaccination. H. K. Lewis 1889 Vol. I: xxiii, 466 pp., illus.; Vol. II: vi, 610 pp. 25.2 cm.
Crookshank had the rare good fortune to have studied under Lister, Pasteur, and Koch. He was an energetic teacher and noted bacteriologist, his highly regarded Manual of bacteriology (1886) going through four editions. This massive undertaking is both a history of smallpox vaccination and a critical inquiry into its effectiveness. Volume II is comprised entirely of papers excerpted from other sources, ranging from Jenner's original Inquiry (see No. 1086) to Crookshank's own observations on an 1887 outbreak of cowpox. The appearance of this volume caused no small amount of controversy within the medical ranks, owing to the fact that Crookshank saw fit to color the account with his own, quite negative, views on the efficacy of inoculation.
See Related Record(s): 1086
Cited references: Cushing C494; Garrison-Morton 5435; Waller 13030
Print record