Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1972
FéLIX GUYON (1831-1920) Leçons cliniques sur les affections chirurgicales de la vessie et de prostate. J.-B. Baillière 1888 vii [1] 1112 pp. 22 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 1971
Many of the practices of modern urology are based upon Guyon's contributions to urological knowledge. He is mnemonically remembered in the terms Guyon's amputation (amputation of the foot at the ankle) and Guyon's sign (the ballottement and palpation of a floating kidney). This exhaustive work covers the entire field of genitourinary surgery in both sexes. Many of the lectures in the book had already appeared in Annales des maladies des organes génito-urinaires. The treatise was compiled and edited by Firmin P. Guiard (1852-1920), one of Guyon's students.
Cited references: Garrison-Morton 4183
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record