Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1954
ETIENNE LANCEREAUX (1829-1910) De la thrombose et de l'embolie cérébrales. Adrien Delahaye 1862 [5]-137 [2] pp., 5 fold. tables. 23.2 cm.
Lancereaux, a native of the Ardennes, studied medicine at Paris where he graduated in 1862. He served as physician to the Hôpital de la Pitié and was also a prominent member and president of the Academy of Medicine. He was particularly interested in pathology and was well known for his research on disorders of the nervous system, especially those caused by syphilis. Lancereaux discovered a relationship between diabetes mellitus and disease of the pancreas with specific clinical symptoms that he called pancreatic diabetes. He also did research on alcoholism, malaria, arteriosclerosis. He published a large number of works; his major works being Des affections nerveuses syphilitiques (1861), Atlas d'anatomie pathologique (1872), and Traité des maladies du foie et du pancréas (1899). The present work on cerebral thrombosis and embolism was his first published treatise.
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