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Heirs of Hippocrates

The Development of Medicine in a Catalogue of Historic Books

Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1808

JOHN KING (1813-1893) American eclectic obstetrics. Moore, Wilstach, Keys 1855 viii [9]-741 pp., front., illus. 23.3 cm.

For more information on this author or work, see number: 1806

King lectured on obstetrics at Cincinnati and prepared this textbook because there was none available reflecting the teachings of the eclectic school of medicine. Although the book was prepared specifically for the student, it was also King's purpose to present the tenets of eclectic medicine as applied to obstetrics. In the Preface King commented that "the mechanical management of obstetrical cases varies but little, if any, from that advocated and pursued by the profession generally; but a very marked distinction will be observed in the collateral treatment, which is now for the first time presented in a published form, and in which several new agents have been introduced, not heretofore recognized in obstetrical practice" (p. [v]).

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