Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1727
CHARLES ROBERT DARWIN (1809-1882) The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. J. Murray 1871 Vol. I: viii, 423 pp., illus.; Vol. II: viii, 475 pp., illus., port. 19.1 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 1724
This is really two works. The first demolished the theory that the universe was created for Man, while in the second Darwin presented a mass of evidence in support of his earlier hypothesis regarding sexual selection (Garrison-Morton 170). The descent of man, often discussed with On the origin of species as one of Darwin's two most important works, unduly stirred controversy and resentment well beyond the academic field. Darwin attempted to examine the mind objectively like any other phenomenon in nature.
Cited references: Cushing D43; Garrison-Morton 170; Osler 1572; Waller 11799
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record