Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 168
SYMPHORIEN CHAMPIER (1472?-ca. 1535) Index eorum omnium que in hac Arte parva Galeni pertractantur. Ars parva Galeni . . . ab Laurentiano Florentino . . . in latinum conversa. Item subjunguntur Paradoxa Symphoriani Champerii . . . in Artem parvam Galeni. In quibus praeclarissima . . . Johannem Marion 1516] [16] lxiii [1] ll.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 167
For the present work Champier selected portions of Galen's (see No. 36 ff.) popular Ars parva or Tegni here translated from the Greek by Laurentius Laurentianus (ca. 1450-1502). Following each selection from the Tegni is a section containing Champier's commentary as well as the observations and commentary from `Ali ibn Ridwan's (998-ca. 1068) commentary on the Tegni. Champier indicates that he has consulted the writings of Pietro Torrigiano da Torrigiani (ca. 1270-ca. 1350), Gentile da Foligno (d. 1348), Johannes Sermoneta (fl. 1430), Ugo Benzi (see No. 118), and Jacopo da Forli (d. 1413) all of whom had written on Galen's Tegni.
Cited references: Wellcome 1423
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record