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Heirs of Hippocrates

The Development of Medicine in a Catalogue of Historic Books

Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1555

HUGH LENOX HODGE (1796-1873) On diseases peculiar to women, including displacements of the uterus. Blanchard and Lea 1860 xx [17]-469 [1] [32] pp., illus. 23.6 cm.

A native Philadelphian and medical graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Hodge initially served as a ship's surgeon and made a voyage to India. After returning to Philadelphia, he entered private practice and was soon named physician to two local dispensaries. He later lectured on surgery at the Philadelphia Medical Institute, was in charge of obstetrics at the Pennsylvania Hospital, and became professor of obstetrics at the University of Pennsylvania. This book is Hodge's first major medical work. In it he deals with uterine diseases and places special emphasis on correcting uterine displacements with pessaries. The lever pessary that he devised and fully describes in the treatise is still in use today.

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