Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1460
JACQUES LISFRANC (1790-1847) Maladies de l'utérus, d'après les leçons cliniques. G. Baillière 1836 vi, 536 pp. 20.9 cm.
Lisfranc, French gynecologist and surgeon, devised many new operations including removal of the rectum, lithotomy in women, and amputation of the cervix uteri. This book on diseases of the uterus was prepared by one of his assistants, Jean Hippolyte Pauly (1806-1854). A comprehensive treatment of the subject, it includes many case histories from L'Hôpital de la Pitié in Paris where Lisfranc and Pauly practiced. The book was translated into German in 1838 and into English a year later.
Cited references: Waller 7251; Wellcome III, p. 528
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