Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1425
JEAN GUILLAUME AUGUSTE LUGOL (1786-1851) Troisième mémoire sur l'emploi de l'iode dans les maladies scrofuleuses. J.-B. Baillière 1831 219 pp. 20.1 cm.
Lugol made a number of important contributions in the classification, etiology, and treatment of tuberculosis including the employment of iodides, which he also used to treat goiter and other maladies. The iodide compound, Lugo's solution, still bears his name. This work and the two which preceded it are papers originally delivered to the Académie Royale des Sciences in Paris. The last appeared in English translation the same year it was published in French.
See Related Record(s): 1423 1424
Cited references: Waller 6081; Wellcome III, p. 559.
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record