Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1402.5
COMMISSAIRES . SOCIéTé ROYALE DE MéDECINE Rapport des commissaires de la Société royale de médecine, sur le mal rouge de Cayenne ou éléphantiasis. De l’Imprimerie royale. 1785 Unknown, presumably first. iii, [1], 83, [1] p. 20 cm.
The Royal Society of Medicine was appointed by and placed under the protection of the king. From 1776 to 1779 , the Commission issued annually under the title of history and memories of the Royal Society of Medicine a set of briefs and reports produced by its members, but this publication was quickly dropped for apparent lack of funds. Pierre Isaac Poissonnier (anglicized: Peter Isaac Fisher) was born in Dijon on 5 July 1720 and died in Paris on 15 September 1798. He was a French doctor, a member of the Academy of Sciences, and a professor at Royal College. He invented a way to desalinate seawater for drinking purposes. With Jussieu and Mauduyt La Varenne , Poissonnier was one of the drafters of the Report of Commissioners of the Royal Society of Medicine.
John Martin M.D. Endowment
Print record