Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1369.9
FRIEDRICH TIEDEMANN (1781-1861) Anatomie und Bildungsgeschichte des Gehirns im Foetus des Menschen : nebst einer vergleichenden Darstellung des Hirnbaues in den Thieren / von Friedrich Tiedemann ; mit sieben Tafeln Abbildungen, nach der Natur gezeichnet von Martin Münz. In der Steinischen Buchhandlung 1816 First Edition viii, 172 p., 7 leaves of plates : ill. 26 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 1370
Tiedemann (1781-1861), after having been professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at Iandshut, became professor of anatomy and physiology at Heidelberg in 1816. The great wealth of post mortem material available there gave him the opportunities for becoming one of the finest anatomists of his time. His contributions to physiology were of no less importance. First edition of this classic work on the anatomy and development of the brain which threw new light on the brain’s morphology by the comparison of the transitory embryonic forms of the human brain with the fixed brain formations in animals, and by proving their conformity. Tiedmann’s “book represented the results of several years of continuous research. He was thus able to record the exact stage at which a number of structures first arose in the fetal brain, together with the duration of brain growth and the time of its completion… he was also able to detect the crossing of the pyramidal tracts in a very young embryo, the changes in the peripheral nerves, and the cranial shift of the sacral part of the spinal cord. His book contained a number of beautiful and accurate illustrations…” (DSB). A highly interesting association copy (Timberlake) which belonged successively to William His (1831-1904), the greatest of the 19th-century embryologists, and to Charles S. Minot (1852-1914), the pioneer of embryology in America, with inscriptions by both men on the end-paper. The former has added to his signature, “W.His.” the annotation “aus d. Jung’St. Hinterlassenschaft.” This seems to indicate that this book previously was in the possession of Johann Hienrich Jung-Stilling (1740-1817), the German poet and opthalmologist. His probably also wrote his notes in the text and in some plate margins. Minot’s inscription reads: “Charles S. Minot to F.T. Lewis – Mar. 1913” the latter being the noted Harvard embryologist. Inside front cover appears the bookplate of the Anatomical Library of Harvard Medical School, bearing the ms. Annotation: “Through an error this book-plate was inserted by the librarian – Frederic T. Lewis” The book is dedicated to Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840), the founder of anthropology.
See Related Record(s): 1370 1371
Cited references: Waller 9584; Choulant-Frank p. 310
John Martin M.D. Endowment
Print record