Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1352
TOMMASO FARNESE (1780-1829) Elogio del celebre anatomico Paolo Mascagni toscano. Gio. Giuseppe Destefanis 1816 126 [1] pp. 21.2 cm.
Farnese was born in Perugia and studied medicine at Florence where he graduated in 1807. He was appointed prosector at Bologna in 1810 and later moved to Milan where he remained until the mid-1820s. He left Milan for Vienna and taught there until 1828 when he accepted the professorship of anatomy and surgery at Moscow. In this eulogy to Mascagni (see No. 1098 ff.), he reviews the many accomplishments of the great anatomist showing praise and appreciation for his work.
See Related Record(s): 1098
Cited references: Wellcome III, p. 10
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record