Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1314
JOSEPH FOX (1776-1816) The natural history and diseases of the human teeth. Printed for E. Cox 1814 2nd ed. Vol. I: x, 100 pp., 13 plates; Vol. II: 179 pp., 10 plates. 28.5 cm.
As the first lecturer on dentistry at Guy's Hospital, Fox had an enormous impact on early nineteenth century dental practices. Though much of his theory of oral physiology and pathology was of dubious value, his operative procedures remained in vogue for more than fifty years. This treatise was, in its day, the most complete work of its kind and was the first to give specific operative procedures for correcting dental irregularities.
Cited references: Garrison-Morton 3979 (1st ed., 1803); Waller 10626 (French ed., 1821); Wellcome II, p. 50
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record