Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 123
BARTHOLOMAEUS MONTAGNANA (d. 1460) Consilia medica. Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus 1497 [8] 387 [1] ll. 31.5 cm.
Montagnana was first in a long line of famous professors of the same name who taught at Padua for nearly two hundred years. Bartholomaeus was professor of medicine from 1422 to 1441 and is said to have dissected over a dozen human bodies, which was an unusually large number for a physician of that time. In the Consilia, Montagnana presents over three hundred case histories complete with symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. This early edition was edited by Jacobus de Vitalibus (fl. 1510) and also includes Montagnana's work on the baths at Padua as well as two treatises on drugs and antidotes. Fourteen leaves are missing from this copy and all but one have been replaced by facsimiles.
Cited references: Cushing, Incunabula 104 (1476 ed.); Goff M 815; Hain-Copinger 11552; Klebs 689.3; Osler 7464; Waller 103; Wellcome 4401
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record