Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1221
JEAN LOUIS MARIE ALIBERT (1768-1837) Physiologie des passions. Béchet jeune 1826-1827 2nd ed. Vol. I: [4] cx, 384 pp., 4 plates (front.); Vol. II: [4] 552 pp., 9 plates. 21.5 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 1219
Alibert was Europe's leading dermatologist at the beginning of the nineteenth century and rarely wrote on subjects other than dermatology. He was also very interested in philosophy and in this work applies that interest as he expounds upon the physiological aspects of the emotions, using many historical and contemporary examples. Alibert argued that to comprehend the nature of man one must first understand the soul. He also believed that a true understanding of the material and spiritual world around us is impossible if we rely only on the five physical senses.
Cited references: Wellcome II, p. 31
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record