Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1217
JOSEPH WENZEL (1768-1808) Über die schwammingen Auswüchse auf der äussern Hirnhaut. F. Kupferberg 1811 xx, 138 [2] pp., 6 plates. 33.4 cm.
Joseph and Carl Wenzel (see No. 1238) practiced medicine at Frankfurt and Mainz, respectively. Joseph initially studied theology before changing to medicine and graduated with his brother in 1791. He remained in Mainz where he became professor of anatomy and physiology at the university. The two brothers coauthored several books on the anatomy and physiology of the brain including the present work on meningeal tumors published three years after Joseph's death from typhus. The six large copperplates are drawn from the authors' own cases.
See Related Record(s): 1238
Cited references: Waller 10218
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record