Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1121
WILLIAM CURRIE (1754-1828) An historical account of the climates and diseases of the United States of America. Printed by T. Dobson 1792 4, 409, v pp. 21.1 cm.
Currie's work is of great practical and historical value because it was the earliest attempt to provide a general view of disease and climate in America. He was motivated to write the book "by a desire of removing the trouble and inconvenience which result from accommodating the rules of practice . . . made in other countries to the diseases which occur in this, where the climate . . . and the semieology of diseases . . . are in many respects different; and by a presumption, that such an account might . . . improve the treatment of epidemics, especially in this country" (Introduction, p. 1). In order to simplify his task, he established a network of medical correspondents to send him observations and other pertinent data. Proceeding geographically from north to south, he discusses the climate and diseases of each of the thirteen states and includes meteorological tables and mortality statistics when available.
Cited references: Austin 600; Cushing C655; Garrison-Morton 1775
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record