Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1119
JUSTUS CHRISTIAN VON LODER (1753-1832) Tabulae anatomicae quas ad illustrandam humani corporis fabricam collegit et curavit-Justus Christianus Loder. Sumtibus Novi Bibliopolii vulgo Landes-Industrie-Comptoir dicti 1803 Vol. I: 182 plates (part col., part fold.); Vol. II: various paginations. 41.7 cm.
A physician of wide experience and good reputation, Loder held professorships at Jena, Halle, and the University of Moscow. Like Caldani's Icones anatomicae (see No. 962), Loder's Tabulae anatomicae is a compilation of the best illustrations and representations of anatomy available at the time. Of the 1,434 figures included, 1,122 are copies drawn from the works of Albinus, John Hunter, Cheselden, Monro, Scarpa, Sandifort, and others, while 309 are original drawings. In many plates the vascular system is represented in color. This massive gathering is one of the most beautiful anatomical works of the nineteenth century.
See Related Record(s): 962
Cited references: Choulant-Frank, pp. 325-326; Waller III, p. 535
Gift of John Martin, M.D.
Print record