Complete Record - Heirs of Hippocrates No. 1063
JEAN LOUIS BAUDELOCQUE (1745?-1810) An abridgment of Mr. Heath's translation of Baudelocque's Midwifery. Printed by Bartram and Reynolds, for Thomas Dobson 1807 With notes by William P. Dewees. xiv, 658 pp., 7 plates. 21.3 cm.
For more information on this author or work, see number: 1061
One of the most influential obstetricians of the eighteenth century, Baudelocque refined and popularized many of the theories and practices of Smellie and Levret, and made a number of original contributions to the field. His fame rests primarily on the development of a technique for measuring the pelvis before delivery and the invention of a pelvimeter for this purpose. His classic treatise on midwifery went through a number of editions and was widely translated. This abridgment retains several of the original plates including an engraving showing the proper use of the pelvimeter.
Cited references: Austin 155
Print record